His ultimate is therefore getting strengthened so that it may be used for the entire length instead of ending it early. Wukong currently has a higher damage output if his ultimate is ended before the countdown expires, which is poor by today’s standards. The physical damage per cast on Wukong’s R, Cyclone, is increased from 8/12/16% of target's maximum health (+ 220% AD) to 8/12/16% of target's maximum health (+ 275% AD) However, Riot Games will be monitoring Rammus to make sure he is as quick and tanky as possible, and tweaks will be made if necessary. Because of this buff, some of his weights have been lifted, and he will now move much more quickly.

Rammus' W received a nerf as a result of the 12.19 bugfix. The dash speed on his R, Soaring Slam is increased from 105% move speed to 110% move speed. The self slow on Rammus’s W, Defensive Curl, is nerfed from 30% to 0%, ultimately removing its debuff effect. As a result, he is receiving minor buffs that will make him more durable in the late game and provide him with more playing tools in his melee form to play with. With Jayce, switching to melee and charging into the opposing team can be quite challenging and terrifying in the late game. His R, Transform Mercury Hammer’s bonus armour and magic resist increased from 5/15/25/35 to 5/15/25/35 with + 7.5% bonus AD. Gwen has not been intimidating for a while, so she is getting buffed to boost mid-game potential to help her compete with other fighters. Gwen’s Q, Snip Snip’s damage per snip is increased from 10-26 to 10-30, while the last snip damage is increased from 60-140 to 60-160. The charm duration on her W, Allure, is increased from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds to 1.25/1.5/1.75/2/2.25 secondsĮvelynn has been falling off compared to other AP assassins, so Riot Games buffed her burst power to make it easier for her to kill enemies.